Buying an apartment in Denmark
AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 14:06
12. maj 2011 kl. 14:06 #92075AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 14:06
Hi, I am moving from Oslo to Cph for work, and Im looking at apartments. I have a couple of questions about differences between Norway and Denmark with regards to property purchace.
What is “udbetaling"? Is this the minimun capital (egenkapital) required,? It is not added to the cost of the apartment, is it?
What are the costs for registering the purchace in governement registers etc? In Norway this is usually 2,5% of the purchase amount, called document fees etc.
Also we have a distinct split between ejerlejlighet and sharegolder complexes where you buy a share, and there is often communal debt where everyone pays their common loan at the same speed. Is this the same with you, and what is “shareholder complexes" (andelsleilighet/ aksjeleilighet) called in Danish?
Any other distinct features about Danish real estate one should know about?
12. maj 2011 kl. 15:24 #170684AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 15:24Ejerlejlighed = You’re the sole owner of the apartment and any and all debts associated with that apartment alone.
Andelslejlighed = You’re the owner of the rights to live in the apartment (Communal debt, what you refer to as shareholder complexes)You should be very carefull when buying a shareholder complex here in Denmark. Some of them don’t have a very good economy and the expense of living in one can be extremely high compared to for example a rented apartment. They can also end up declaring bankcruptcy. You should have an accountant look through it for any and all dangerous loan types and if they’re actually paying off the debts. (the value of the apartment(s) goes up over the years (andelskronen = the value of the share).
Also, negotiate the price hard. The real estate property here in Denmark has gone down in estimated value, but sellers haven’t always realized that. You can usually cut off 5-10% from the price. Sometimes more. You also pay real estate tax each year, which is 1% of the ‘official value’ that’s not what you paid, but what the government estimates it to be worth. The real estate broker.. isn’t a broker either, he’s the sellers man. He’s not on your side and just a salesman.
12. maj 2011 kl. 16:11 #170686AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 16:11In general, only Danish citizens are allowed to purchase real estate in Denmark. Citizens from EØS countries which includes Norway can be granted permission in case they plan to stay permanently – you must apply for this permission.
“Udbetaling" is the minimum capital required, usually 5% of the agreed price. The rest can under normal circumstances be fonded by loans.
The costs for registering the purchace in governement registers is 1.400 kr. + 0,6% of the purchase price. Document fee for loans is 1.400 kr. + 1,5%.12. maj 2011 kl. 17:06 #170688AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 17:06Hmmm, det Tove siervirker ikke til å stemme ut ifra det jeg finner her“Kjøp av selveierboliger
Som utlending skal man ha tillatelse til å kjøpe en bolig i Danmark. Man skal ha tillatelse fra det danske Justisdepartementet til å kjøpe fast eiendom i Danmark, hvis man ikke har bopel i Danmark og man ikke tidligere har hatt bopel i Danmark i tilsammen 5 år.For å få tillatelse fra Justisdepartementet skal søkeren ha oppholdstillatelse i Danmark, og boligen skal brukes hele året.
Nordiske statsborgere har rett til å oppholde seg i Danmark uten oppholdstillatelse. Derfor skal de ikke ha oppholdstillatelse for å søke om tillatelse til å kjøpe eierbolig i Danmark."
12. maj 2011 kl. 17:40 #170692AnonymForfatter12-05-2011 17:40That’s exactly what Tove stated. You have to apply for permission to be able to buy real estate in Denmark:
“Som utlending skal man ha tillatelse til å kjøpe en bolig i Danmark. Man skal ha tillatelse fra det danske Justisdepartementet til å kjøpe fast eiendom i Danmark, hvis man ikke har bopel i Danmark og man ikke tidligere har hatt bopel i Danmark i tilsammen 5 år."
But you don’t have to apply for danish citizenship if you’re from Sweden, Norway or Finland.
10. november 2011 kl. 1:55 #176058AnonymForfatter10-11-2011 1:55Takker for innleggene på denne tråden. Jeg fikk svar på noen av de spørsmålene som jeg har vedrørende kjøp av bolig i Danmark !
Thanks for postings on this thread. I got answers to some of my questions regarding purchase of real estate in Denmark !
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