Min udenlandske netbank skriver følgende, jeg kan godt oversætte, men ligger der noget “uldent" i meddelelsen eller skal alle bankansattes private handler offentliggøres ?
Bank’s Press Releases
Announcement of Regulated Information according to Law 3565
In accordance with Law 3565 (articles 3 and 21) and decision No. 1/434/05.09.2009 (article 11) of the X.. Capital Market Commission, X.. Bank S.A. announces that on 14/11/2011 the General Director of Corporate and Retail Banking, Treasury and Money Markets, Mr. Y.. Y.. (liable person according to article 13 of Law 3430), sold 23.555 common shares of X.. Bank S.A., of a total net value of .. svarende til 55.000 DKK